Join Us
The cell system of Global Light is an avenue for soul winning and soul development. The cell units are also designed to encourage fellowship amongst brethren, which is necessary for the nurturing of their faith.
After a believer has started to win souls in his mission station, two or three or more of them already form a cell. Every cell meets once a week. Cell meetings usually take place in a conducive venue outside the church premises, which allows the meeting to be accessible to the unconverted also.
Some of the activities of a cell include prayer, bible study, outreach and visitations. The activities of a cell are not meant to be an end in themselves but aimed to produce growth of each member
Our services
Our services are characterized by a blend of worship, word and impartation of the spirit. Every service is an opportunity to grow spiritually and come to light with the mysteries and deep truths of God depicted in the Bible. We explore the word of God line upon line, precept upon precept, with a simplicity, that any soul can be able to relate and connect with God. Plan to fellowship with us at any of services.